It’s been a busy weekend for us. Today we have an online event at 9:30am UK time. A total of 15 people from the UK (Bristol, London, East Sussex, West Sussex, Lincolnshire, cambridgeshire), Japan (Tokyo, Mie Prefecture), France and Hong Kong joined us for an hour and 15 minutes, mostly at one-to-one tables.
We had 3 new comers (from London, Tokyo and Hong Kong). I didn’t get to speak to all of them, but I think that it’s not often that they get the chance to hear British English on a regular basis while you are in Tokyo or Hong Kong. I hope everyone will find this group useful, as the quickest way to speak the target language is to speak with people from that country.
*It really fantastic when I heard, “I joined here because of the beautiful interface of this site.” We’ll work hard to keep this website updated!
I would also like to thank everyone who has participated in every event. At first, everyone says they don’t know how to use the system or that they don’t speak English/Japanese, but as they get used to it, they find people they’ve spoken to before on the system and feel free to chat to them. We believe it’s a great way to meet up with people you know every week, like a language club!
On Saturday we had a picnic at St James park in London, which was mainly made up of old members. We hope to be able to do this again in the future, although it will be non regular basis.Most of the people who attended were people we had met through this event.
It was the first time for some of us to meet each other in real life, but as we had already met each other online, we all hit it off straight away.
I hope that this style of getting to know each other online and then meeting up with people in real life will become more common in the future.
※「サイトのインターフェースが綺麗だったので参加しました」と言っていただけたのは、本当に報われます。笑 引き続き頑張って更新していきたいと思います!
また、前後しますが、土曜日はロンドンのSt James parkでピクニックを行いました。今回は、以前からのメンバーが中心でしたが、不定期になりますが、今後も開催できるといいですね。